
i just have something to say

peaches geldof, some whore from london, had alot of audacity when she published a column for NYLON magazine. recently, she moved to NYC- Williamsburg, Brooklyn to be exact.

now, im nothing but jersey trash, BUT even i was insulted by what this girl wrote. im going to save you some of the aggravation by only posting a small excerpt.

It’s a city where there is always something exciting to do. Girls here look like they just stepped off the catwalk: the Upper East Side society queens are dressed to the nines in McQueen and Prada, and the East Village hipsters look like extras from The Virgin Suicides or Desperately Seeking Susan.
My best friend here is a boy named Bunny. We spend our days traipsing around Manhattan—him in skin-tight plaid trousers, huge geek glasses, and a mass of red hair sticking out haphazardly from beneath an Amish-style hat. We buy pizza from street vendors, run through Times Square marvelling at its energy, and source new vintage boutiques. Nights involve dancing at Beatrice Inn or Lit, watching the Misshapes spin some tunes, or catching one of the amazing bands Brooklyn has to offer.

New York is a place where I finally feel at home. Driving over the Brooklyn Bridge at night in a yellow cab (the novelty still hasn’t worn off!) and gazing out over the tops of the skyscrapers-their peaks reaching ever upward, lights twinkling out of the endless windows like fireflies, their glow reflected in the water of the Hudson River—there’s no place I’d rather be.

-first of all, your friend bunny is an idiot. hes obviously not a native new yorker, because NO ONE would put up with this cliche poser crap.
-everyone knows to steer clear of times square. its filled with idiots, tourists, and aggravated people who work there and are forced to be there.
- you might feel at home in nyc, but no one wants you there. jersey either.
- i wont even address your need to condescend far enough that ur taking a cab. no ones fucking impressed. get on a fucking nyc bus- that novelty wears off REAL quick.
-the brooklyn bridge connects brooklyn with manhattan. VIA THE EAST FUCKING RIVER. the hudson river is on the opposite side of the damn island. seriously. i live in new jersey. and i know this.

with such blatant disregard to the simple facts, how is it that this girl has not been mugged? please! i volunteer! if i see this bitch when i go see the duke spirit in november im going to give her a nice NJ welcome. THE MIDDLE FINGER.

ps. this is for all my friends in ny.

pps. oh and u spelled pittsburgh wrong. and its offending. i have family there. no one spells LONDON wrong now do they???

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