
i just want to say..

ive been watching the Republican National Convention pretty much all day, along with visiting certain blogs and news websites. basically im trying to see what people's opinions are about Palin and the R ticket in general and..

DOESNT IT SEEM LIKE this election is doing nothing but dividing our nation? it seems like so many liberals are just angry and rude that they have to run against anyone at all, let alone a conservative.

i want to know what would happen if McCain won..would all of these extreme liberals take to the streets with guns and flaming sticks and riot? because with all of the terrible news items and comments by readers, it really seems that way.

for a group of people who are so inclined toward "peace", they sure say alot of hateful and horrible things!

one person said, in reference to a speech by Rudy G on youtube that "anyone who likes this man should be run over with a truck"

really? are you that threatened by him?

god. all i have to say is, i wasnt sure who i was going to vote for up until now, but the liberals arent doing such a good job trying to swing me with all of there hate mongering.

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