
pwned by lindsay lohan

click here to see a priceless video of lindsay lohan hitting a pap outside a new york hotel. dlisted put it perfectly:

"Last night at the Bowery Hotel in NYC, metal barricades were set up outside for Marc Anthony's stupid ass birthday party. HoHan, who is staying at the hotel, was making her way in when her big lesbian foot tripped over the barricade. Clumsy ass gayelle! HoHan mistakengly thought one of the pappies tripped her, so she turned around and punched him in the nose. Confessions of a broken snout!

TMZ reports that HoHan was on her phone at the time and said, Oh my God, I just hit a paparazzi."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so apparently Obama's team turned down Hohan's support on the campaign...."its not the kind of publicity they want." hahahha