
get out your checkbooks ladies

as you all are well aware, the economy is in the shitter, which means that naturally stores will be closing some of their branches in malls, standalones, etc.

i thought id send out a little warning because when this happens, its sometimes the best opportunity to run out and get some things, that is if there are closings and liquidations nearby.

retail stores such as pacsun and ann taylor plan on closing over 100 each of their stores before 2010.

pier one imports is planning on closing only about 25 of its stores, but this could be a great time to go out and get some furniture! i know of a few of these stores near me that have been underperforming.

also now may be the time to buy expensive jewelry! certain jewelers are being hit hard, because no one has the money to be putting into the luxury market right now. one particular store is liquidating over 400 million in jewelry. wow.

basically just keep your eyes out. although many people may be staying in and not spending, now may be, and actually is, the best time TO spend.

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