
my neck hurts.

i just got done watching jane eyre- the masterpeice theatre version done by BBC (which cost me 30 DOLLARS at barnes a nobles) and all i can say is DAMN. four hours long. but it was prob my favorite version as ive seen a couple. i completely forgot how long it'd be.

i love how mr rochester is soooo handsome and witty and how jane is so awkward yet pretty in some way. i also forgot how dark the story actually is. i had previously thought charlotte bronte to be soo strikingly different from emily bronte, as Wuthering Heights is one of the darkest more depressing stories ive ever read (yet its my favorite novel of all time). Now in hindsight i see how similar they are in their tones, however emily takes it to a much greater level. anne bronte's novel is even dark in some ways yet seemingly more realistic and true to life. i love all three of them and its a shame we only got three substantial novels out of them (no im not good with poetry unfortunately).

this brings me to an entirely new point- a NEW adaptation of jane eyre, for BBC again no less. im a little apprehensive about the casting as of yet- recent news has labeled none other than ellen page (yes from juno) as the new jane eyre. this is a big mistake. im almost sure of it. there is no way she can pull off a role that has been so studied and deeply examined by literary scholars and amatuers alike (such as myself).

i beleive the role should be played by brits for it to have any level of authenticity- and this is coming from an american. jane eyre is not a role you blaspheme. i would have recommended sophie winkleman. who am i though? certainly not a casting director.

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