
somebody read my blog!

well it sure SEEMS that way anyway...thebadandugly posted a sort of test question with reasons why narnia is doing poorly. i couldnt seem to narrow it down to just one answer because most of them seem likely. except for the one about christians:

A) It was sandwiched between Iron Man and Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.
B) It was poorly marketed and looked wholly uninteresting.
C) It had a veil of family-friendliness over it that turned off any non-children/non-Christian viewers (a medieval war movie without loads of blood? Who do they think they are, Lord of the Rings?)
D) It should have kept it’s original release date of Christmas 2007 and not tried to be a summer movie.
E) Marketing suffered when no catchy SNL Digital Short was released promoting the film.

what do YOU think?

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