
i forgot about you for a minute!

its seriously been WEEKS since ive seen any new pics of my bb william moseley around and OF COURSE fug queen popplewell had to be there.

jared only had a few pics but click here to see all of them.
seriously WHAT is that bitch wearing- fyi: i seriously chose the most flattering picture i could of her so as to not shock any of you guys...really click the link above and youll see what i mean

girl- you are not haute!

ps this is at the german premiere of Prince Caspian. i guess none of the other cast bothered to show?

pps. i was reading the comments and someone wrote about the title of the post (William and Anna Cross Swords)- "….uh… what?!? “cross swords”… jared, you trying to say anna popplewell (lol) has a dick?"

i loled so hard.


Anonymous said...

from this angle that dress actually looks quite fab (especially in comparison to some of her other 'fashion' choices of the past), too bad her face is still fug...

Anonymous said...

the poor girl is trying.

I felt that the dress was pretty....though the top part of it was questionable?? puffed sleeves? i mean i know they are "back in fashion" but at that height?? ughhh

I have to say that the dress is an improvement from her previous choices...but shes not quite there yet.