

Variety is running an item about a new movie telling the story behind the landmark Brown v. Board of Ed case that took place in the 1950's. i learned alot about this in history and law classes- and you should have too!

(if your from America anyway)

for those who didnt pay attn in history- the case was one that made it illegal for American schools to be segregated. in other words, this script better be good because its dealing with some heavy shit.

Toby Maguire is set to play a male lead (obviously a lawyer). The script will be based off of memoirs written by Jack Greenberg (Toby's character) and will be called "Crusaders".

def looks like a movie id like to see, as i am a whore for period films.

(p.s. for those history buffs- it says one of the directors is set to work on a film about rebellion in Mississippi during Civil War/Reconstruction!)

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