
not for the haters

Anna Faris is by far my favorite actress, at least when it comes to comedies. she just has the best comedic timing.

anyways, everyones heard about her new movie coming out soon- The House Bunny. it certainly looks like its going to have a shiteous box office turnout, but ill def be one of the $10 mil worth of people who go!

click under the cut for a Q&A that was featured in Star magazine.

Q: How did you come up the the idea (for the movie)?
A: I was thinking three years ago about what happens in the next stage for a girl who has lived in the Playboy Mansion. How do you reenter the real world? I had a creative vision of who she was, so I pitched the character to writers Karen Lutz and Kristen Smith. They wrote a script and together we produced it. The next thing we knew, we were shooting at the Playboy Mansion!

Q: How did you prepare to play Shelley?
A. I worked out, and I got hair extensions and lots of padded bras! They had to do alot of body makeup to make my cleavage look bigger. It was great for me because I'm and jeans and T-shirt girl.

Q: Shelley's an outsider. Have you ever felt that way?
A: I definitely had issues in high school. I struggled with weight and still feel incredibly awkward at times, so it was kind of nice to play the pretty girl for a change!

Q: Whats the key to being a good comedic actress?
A: There can't be any vanity in comedy. It's challenging because you have to keep a straight face, but I feel really fortunate that I get to work in an environment where we are laughing all the time!

The House Bunny opens August 22nd. She looks GREAT for 30!

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