
oh im not looking to make soup...

click under for my thoughtz on the hillz.

does anyone else think that lauren looked really pretty when she was working with whitney?

haha i chuckled when lauren was like "u should have a fun night with audrina" and lo was like "yeah well.." SUCH a bitch.

the date scene was REALLY awkward and contrived. and i was annoyed that they try and cram in every "hip" song in like 30 seconds.

maybe its just cause i have hatred for estelle.

haha lauren's face at lo's comment about "the company that comes" was priceless.

heidi's sister is trannylicious.

im extremely uncomforable watching lo and audrina talk right now. i actually want to leave the room.

well that ended abrubtly!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so after watching the Hillz commercials, im sorry i mean the show, I never realized how much of a BITCH LO was!! I mean I don't know if the takes of the show make her seem like that, but with all honestly, I don't think we need to see every waking moment of the hills to realize how bitchey LO is to Audrina.
Its safe to say: TEAM AUDRINA.