
lily iz feckin fantastic

lately, perez hilton has had nothing nice to say about my lily. the thing that bothers me about this is that he is the reason i love lily! i never heard of her before reading tons of posts about her on his site. as you know, i am into almost ALL genres of music (except country), and lily is hands down one of my favorite artists. thats why its infuriating and confusting to me why perez would attack her so badly just because she got drunk and outrageous a few times. havent we all done it?

the reason im writing about this is because theres this little blogwar going on between them. im taking lily's side. ive been posting lately how perez has been going down on my list of favorite blogs. you can read some of perez's latest posts on lily here, here, and here.

here are some choice quotes from the "blog war" of '08 (which was in response to the last post about lily i put a link to):


"Perez Hilton is a mean man. I don't know what I did to piss him off but the last few months he has launched a bit of a tirade against me"

"he also insinuated there was something suspicious about me having a miscarriage, which is just wrong, but I'm not going to go into how painful that whole episode was.

...side note...how can you ever write such terrible things about a woman who experienced the loss of a child! i dont care if it wasnt born yet, my mom had a miscarriage and its a terrible terrible thing.

perez wrote back: "At least we can agree on two things: she's a mess and no one is talking about her music these days!"

lily then started to really get upset: "I am not a liar Pee pEe " and "many people ask to have their photos taken with me , I don't keep a record of peoples names . You wouldn't understand that though , you can probably remember the names and faces of all seven fans that turned up to your clothing line signing the other day."

good one! lily can fight back. perez then got really nasty- which is saying alot because hes always nasty....

"Shouldn't you be doing more productive things than blogging about Perez??? Don't you have a new album to record???
Naw, you're too busy pAArtying it up at the Chateau Marmont.
Well, go ahead, sweetie. Full on!
We look forward to reporting your trip to rehab in a few months!"

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