
new page element

as you can see, i broke down and added the new page element that blogger has so kindly offered. it allows me to quickly link to my favorite websites where i get my entertainment news fix daily. most of my material comes from one or more of these sites- after all im not an actual insider, i need to get it from somewhere. whats interesting is how it shows u the most current post. im not interested in about 90% of what these sites post, but the 10% i do care about is what i write about on here. i figure i should give these guys some credit. check them out if they seem like your cup 'o tea! ill be updating (putting more up and taking some down) as i see fit.

also i couldnt help but putting my friends blog on there haha. we need to stick together!

also im sorry i havent posted anything cool today, there was a terrible storm (which i drove home from work it) and it cut out my internet and i wasnt able to log on until like 9:30 pm. since my offline life is so hectic the only time i have to post is at night on weekdays ....and sometimes on weekends real quick :P ...anyways its a slow news week so far nothing really to report!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm loving your new BLOG-look and I LOVE the shout out :D